"we don't just report the news, we make it"
by Bruce Edwin
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To every model or talent I ever hung up on. To all of the thousands of actors and models I ever rejected. To my former assistants, to those who I ever accidentally hurt. To every talent that wanted to come through my door, and the thousands who were too far away to even try. I give you here FREE, the steps, the stories, and the ammunition of knowledge, to MAKE IT.
This book has been made possible by years of accumulated knowledge acquired from hundreds of sources, including some of the following institutions and great people in my life who helped give me that knowledge, or a better place to be in my life to enjoy it; My family, Moira Cue, acting instructor Corral Gayle, The Temple, Frank & Bob, Michael Levine, Carl Urbin, Grant Cardone, Sighris & Arlen, Mr. Misko, Mr. Laake, Mr. Bullard, David Williams, my clients, present and past, my assistants and interns, Heartland College, I.S.U., Columbia College of Chicago, Sonic Youth, the great cities of Chicago, NYC, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Los Angeles, Eckhart Tolle, and all of those who have tried to hurt me, I give this as a gift especially to you.
I wrote this book to teach others what I have learned. I actually like to teach. Not in a classroom mind you, although I have done a few lectures at film schools, but in some manner, even if just to one person, one client, it makes me feel good to give some one knowledge they didn’t have before. Most of the wealthy, Hollywood elite I deal with on a day to day basis feel the same way.
But what I also hear most of them say is the line, “If I had only knew back then what I know now, I would be that much more successful.”
For the rich and famous I have had the pleasure to come in contact with, what they achieve is never enough. Now, according to certain religious judgements, this is due to the fact that the world is materialistic and humanity is endlessly chasing after things and stuff that will never gratify their ego, they will always want more.
While this is often true, I also like to think that for some, it is due to the fact that humanity is basically good, or at least strive to be, and that those who are seeking to achieve lofty goals always want to reach even higher. A constant road to self fulfillment, and constant self betterment.
What I intend to impart upon you, my reader, is a journey with me on that constant road to bettering ones self, achieving ones goals, and more specifically, becoming a success in the Hollywood entertainment industry.
I was initially going to self publish this book in soft cover, and hardback, and later as an E-book. But I also know that some of the best knowledge I have received, I had given to me free.
I believe that what I am giving you here, may be some of the best knowledge you will have ever had to make it as a success in Hollywood. And I do not want you to have to pay for it. It is my gift to you.
If something does not have a dollar tag on it, many of us do not assign value or worth to it. You may have heard of the tiffany theory. It states that if you give some one a trinket in a plain white wrapper, they may perceive that the object has little value. If however, you give them the same trinket in a box by a top designer store, that has been portrayed as a place for wealth and opulence, then that same trinket will be perceived as something of great value and worth to the receiver.
With that in mind, I also understand that my audience here are actors, models, and other performers. And what I learned in this business, is one of those first myths that many models and talent have been wrongly taught in to believing. And that is that you never should have to pay for any thing in order to make it. Whatever IT is. That notion is false.
So, keeping all of that in mind, and realizing how the internet has altered the landscape of the written word, I decided to reach for a wider audience, with the intent of really trying to help you, my reader. It is with that that I give you this, my free book, in the form of an ongoing blog, website, and later interactive forum, in effort to make you, the model, and the talent, the success that you yearn to be.
This knowledge I am going to share with you should be worth more than any amount of money you can spend. Worth more than 4 years of a college education. It includes the knowledge I have gained with a film degree, which taught me far less than half of all I needed to know, plus hundreds of others I have listened to, read, and studied. And I don’t even profess to know even half of it all. I am constantly learning my self.
But follow this site, and you will either gain at least enough knowledge to become a success in Hollywood by starting to do things right, or you will learn that you were never meant to be here, that you are meant to succeed in some other great area of life.
With that stated, pretend now, that you have just arrived to my office ON TIME, and are pulling up a chair. And I am going to give you a free crash course on how to succeed in this place we call Hollywood. Get ready, you’re in for quite a ride.
- Bruce Edwin
We will begin with a quick exploration on the basic fundamentals of thought for success in Hollywood, and then get to the details of action needed for you to take.
The nature of this book is to show you how to succeed in Hollywood, as a model, actor, performer. Now, “with great success in Hollywood, by its mere spectrum of mass exposure, comes great money, celebrity, and power.” Read that sentence again to your self, and remember it. And it is with these first facets of success in Hollywood that we shall explore.
Why do you want to become a success as a performer, model or talent in Hollywood? Sure, you may say that it is for artistic expression. If that were purely the case however, you could go join an art commune, or an underground art movement in NYC or in the mountains, and create, pure and free. So surely, if you want success in Hollywood as an actor, model, or talent, it is more than just artistic success that is driving you.
Oh, but you want artistic success on the biggest level you may say? Why? To do good for the world? To help humanity? But one can be a humanitarian and not be an artist. So you may say that you want to influence culture on the greatest level possible as an artist? Now that is something we can agree upon.
But many want more than just the greatest level of influence. They want success in Hollywood for other reasons.
The truth is, most who pursue success in Hollywood are broke. And if they ever do become a financial success in life, it is by finally getting the idea of success in Hollywood out of their heads. If you are in Hollywood only to make money, you are in it for the wrong reason. You would have better luck learning how the casinos operate and going to gamble in Vegas, or in the stock market. Or study finance and start your own business. One in three businesses supposedly fail. That’s still better odds than those who achieve success in Hollywood. So you must want success in Hollywood for reasons more than just money.
Likewise however, if you are opposed to great wealth, then you do not belong striving towards great success in Hollywood. And yes, some actually are opposed to great wealth. I for one, was formerly one of them, Notice I said formerly. But that is another story.
Success in Hollywood as a model, actor, or performer, will eventually result in you being famous. Why? The greater success, the more movies you are in, the bigger and more successful the movies, the better the record label deal, the more tours, the more albums sold, the more magazines you are in, the bigger the runway shows, the more you will be famous, the more people will recognize you, all over the world.
If you do not want fame, then you need to quit trying to achieve success in Hollywood and find another field. Because the end result of the biggest success in Hollywood as an artist, results in fame. More success equals more fame.
Now, why do you want to be famous? To influence the greatest number of people possible? To get your message out? To have a sense of immortality? To have your voice or image live beyond your death? If the latter are the main reasons, you need to examine your feelings about death. Are you afraid of death? What do you believe will happen after you are gone? Another reason may be to gratify your ego. To be more popular. To have strangers adore you or shower you with praise and adoration.
The ego is a very powerful force. Especially in our business. Most in our business, as many believe, have huge egos. If this is the case with you, you need to be aware of that fact, and be honest with your self. If that is merely the only reason you want fame, you also need to realize the fact that your ego will never be completely satisfied. You will always want a bigger show, a bigger movie, a bigger modeling job, a bigger crowd. More adoration. You will never get enough. Then, when you are the biggest star in the world and there is no where else higher to go, you may dip down a little, and this fact may crush you.
That is not to say that you should not always be constantly trying to reach greater heights, for you should, but you need to be secure in who you are despite what any one says or thinks of you, and despite the critics or box office.
If you pursue fame for fame’s sake, you will never be happy. And you will be living at the mercy of the box office or the tabloids, which can and will rip you to pieces. You need to care not what others think, and not be in this business for fame, but still want it too.
With money and fame, come power. Celebrity is power. And with power, as they say, comes responsibility. If you do not want great power, than you should not pursue great success in Hollywood. For great success in Hollywood results in great power. What is power? Power is influence, authority, and control. Being able to influence and control those things and events and people around you based on your position and your money and your fame, and your name and what that represents.
Those 3 factors, money, fame, and power, need to be handled. They need to be understood and addressed if you are to become a success in Hollywood. If you are to make IT. To become a star.
However, each of these things could be a book unto themselves, and will require a great deal of knowledge on your part and understanding that you may or may not already know. What I am going to discuss with you first however, are some initial basic aspects concerning human behavior, or more so, model and talent and performer behavior, These are some of the many things that I have seen hundreds of models and talent do day in and day out, the wrong way, because they didn’t know any better. And these are some of the first things that I want to teach you to start doing right. We will then go back in to the mentality of what makes a star and what it takes to get you there on every single level.
True success starts from within. You must believe in your success and that it will happen, in order to achieve it. Successful living is a constant endeavor.
Some of you want a quick fix to get what you want. I will give you some of that now, but it invariably comes back down to how you view your self and the world. That is the key to stardom, and that is where we shall return to. Now first, some of the basics:
1, Never show failure.
If someone asks you how you are doing, tell them you are doing great. Never say you are sick, poor, or having a bad day. People do not want to hear a complainer, and it is a sign of failure. Always talk of how wonderful things are going, even if they aren’t. Soon, you will start to believe it your self, and then it will become a reality.
2, Pretend you are rich
If you are poor, you need to act like you are rich, as the rich do not like to be around the poor. Why would they? Most of them worked hard to get where they are at. Why would they want to surround them selves with those less successful then they are?
Look and act rich.
I have had more people in positions of power do things for me when I was poor, than they normally would any other person, except the rich, simply because I was good at acting rich. It’s all acting, remember?
Look rich: It is better to save up and buy a one thousand dollar suit or dress that you wear 100 times a year to meet 100 different people, which people know is worth a thousand dollars, that you can mix and match up with other less expensive pieces, than 10 dresses or suits worth 100 dollars that people know are of lesser value.
Fashion is an art, a commodity and an investment. It can also make you “feel” more important which can translate in to how you project your self worth.
I once bought a pair of shoes that were priced at $450.oo, ten years ago. I was excited to get them on sale, plus an employee discount for about $325. Even though they hurt, and were not as comfortable as my other shoes, I felt invincible in those shoes. Ten years later, I still have them, and as I only wore them for the most important times in my life, they are still in good shape. But it is also that they are of top quality. You get what you pay for, is a saying that is often true.
I also once bought a thousand dollar designer suit that would today go for about two or three thousand. When ever I wear that suit, which is also still in good condition to this day, people notice. And my confidence level is at an all time high.
With all of this said, never lie. You can create and project and image that you aspire to be, but do not lie. Once some one gets a chance to know you, you should never pretend to be any thing than what you are. Another thing about the rich and successful, is they are not gullible, so don’t try to play games with them.
Act rich and powerful:
The most rich and powerful do not typically take orders, they often do not wait in lines. If you walk in to a VIP only place and you humbly waddle up and say, Excuse me, I know I don’t belong here, but do you think I can get in? Please? Chances are, the position you relegate for your self will be enforced by the VIP cop.
Now, if you march in, with an air of power, ignoring all who stand in your way, displaying your supreme insult at who ever would dare stop you, the greatest of the great, then the gatekeepers will often be so taken aback that they will either think you belong, or will be so shocked by your audacity, that they will let you enter just because they are impressed enough or startled by your chutzpah. Don’t go too overboard and be rude or offensive. It’s a fine line.
I once called a certain major record label, when I was around 20, and told them I wanted to speak with the CEO. After he finally came on the phone and had a nice talk with me, one of the heads of publicity called me back shocked. Do you realize who that was you just spoke with? She asked me. It was someone like David Geffen or such. Yeah, so? it’s the CEO. She went on to tell me how that doesn’t happen. How magazine editors don’t just call and talk with this guy on the phone. That she can’t even talk to him. Why not? I said, clueless. You work for the dudes company right? She laughed, and was blown away. I honestly didn’t think it was a big deal at the time.
You can sometimes use ignorance about how things generally work to your advantage to break the rules and break protocol. Now, don’t take that to mean that I am saying you should ever be antagonistic to a situation or person. Don’t be a problem causer. But success in Hollywood requires thinking outside of the box and sometimes breaking rules that are put in place to keep people in their place, at a lower level.
3, Never, ever, ever take no for an answer.
If you want something bad enough, never let anything or any one stand in your way.
If you accept a no, then you either a, did not want it bad enough to try harder, b, you are too weak to try harder and therefore do not deserve it yet, or c, you are being blocked by a higher universal power that is protecting you (or harming you) by not letting you get it.
Now, c. is a whole other realm, which I will cover in another book, so for this purpose, we will stick to the earthly realm due to space limitations.
Expect a no, and then ask a different way until you get a yes. Politicians are great at this. They will already know that the house for example, will reject one thing they want, but it will not reject another thing that they know the house or senate will really desire.
So, The President may for example, create a bill, (a mess of long, convoluted legal mumbo jumbo stating the one think they want that they know will be rejected, in the context, subtext, or pre text of something that they know will not be rejected, that they know they can get a yes on. They will include the known “yes” item with the most likely given “no” item on the same contract proposal, aka bill, for the sake of manipulating to get what they want.
Now, because politicos realize all politics is based on power and manipulation any way, they succumb to these tactics due to either a, laziness, b, stupidity, c, apathy, d, moral depravity, or e, all of the above, simply realizing that this is how government works. It’s called an earmark.
Hollywood is no different. The only difference in how Hollywood is, is we sometimes get paid more, the blow outs, if one is lucky, will turn in to a cheesy reality show which can re bound a failing career, and of course, we’re all cuter.
So back to the rule. Expect a no, in fact, welcome a no! Will you give me 50 million dollars to make this movie? No! Ok, I understand.
But before we hang up, I have one other question please. Jim Carey showed up at Spago the other night, and said he would defer half of his salary until all production costs are re-couped if you agree to fund this other film I have for 100 million. I can get him to put it in writing that you will make back triple your money back within 6 months on DVD. Do you want to make 300 million this year with no risk?! YES! O.K., great. What’s your E-mail please and I will get you out the full package.
Expect a no. Welcome a no. Power players are programmed to saying no. Then, ask them something so irresistible that they have to say YES. Get them used to saying yes. Throw in an earmark.
Hi, I know I’m not SAG and have no reel, and you only take on SAG talent. But I just wanted to thank you again for your time in speaking with me. Oh, by the way, did I tell you that my two best friends were just on Saturday Night Live? They’re the blonde identical twins, you know, their uncle is president of that bank that just did the takeover for 100 gazlillion? Thanks again. Oh, you’d like to meet the girls? Well, sure, I can arrange that, we can all do lunch. Oh, and you want to send my materials to William Morris? Oh, Well thank you! Don’t forget your earmark.
I often read the trades and will at times call up a CEO or VP’s office to congratulate them on a new raise or position I just read about that they got. This does two things, one, it allows me to get through to them, as their assistant will want to share with them some good news of congratulations and recognition, and secondly, it makes them notice me and pay attention to my name. It then opens up a door for me to tell them something I want them to hear about in the future. People love to hear you talk good about them, almost as much as they love to talk about themselves.
4, Pay attention to people’s progress you want to work with.
Send birthday cards. I sent a birthday note fax one time to a top producer on a major studio. I later found out, I got the date wrong. Oh well! At least he knew I was thinking of him, and got my name in his mind. Now he takes my calls, calls me back, and says to call me any time. That’s what it takes. Every one loves to feel noticed, even the biggest of the big. Never think you are too small or insignificant to speak to some one.
I have told many clients, go and meet this person. Go and say hello to this star. I then see the whole problem with their way of thinking when they tell me, but, why would they care about me? What would make them want to talk to me? Duh. With that attitude, nothing! That is the next rule.
That was in my horoscope one day. I love it. See your self among the stars, among the rich, among the famous. Think of your self as on their same level. When you meet the hugely famous or hugely successful,
Never act as if you are fan. Call them by their first name. Treat them like an equal that you greatly respect. But do not kiss their rear so to speak. Talk to them with command, with authority. With the intention that you are just as important as they are. With the reality that they are also fortunate to be talking with you. With the fact that they should want to hear about you and what you have to offer them. Then, and only then will you reach the level of true stardom.
I sent one aspiring young black actress one day to meet comic legend Bernie Mac. After telling her how she should talk with him, and get his contact information, etc., she came back all excited. She happily told me how she shook his hand, and got his autograph. He was a real kind gentleman to her by the way, and I was sad when he passed away. Oh my goodness, I thought. I was not pleased. Not only did she not get his contact information, she did not even tell him her name, and she violated the first rule in meeting any celebrity when you your self want to be one. She asked for an autograph. Fans ask for autographs. You are not a fan, you are a talent. Never ever, ever act like a fan, or that is all you will be. Always tell them your name as many times as you can, as well as your agent or managers name. give them your representations contact info fine, but you MUST also get their information. If you don’t, then you can just pretend you didn’t meet them. If you don’t give them your name, how will they remember you or know you? Get their info. Why would a star call you or your agent or manager? They generally won’t care about talking with you. You need to get their info, and have your agent or manager call their people for you, to try and get them to care enough to see you or deal with you.
Now, when I have had clients do this, it isn’t because I am too lazy to hit a few buttons and get the info from my sources online of who reps them. But it makes you pro-active, showing them that you know how it works, and helping them remember you when we do call.
Now, I have sent many clients to meet stars, and the star may end up asking for the clients personal information if it is a young attractive female, which most of my clients are. If Leonardo DiCaprio asks you for your personal phone number, you may be silly to not give it to him. Just remember your moral code and stick to it.
8, If it is not an A-lister, don’t give out your personal information. It should then only go through your agent or manager. If its an A lister, and you are not one, give out your information but have your agent or manager nearby when you speak with them.
9, Don’t try to pull a fast one with a contract or any thing else.
People may be asleep or dumb once, but if they are in a position of power, they did not get there by being a complete idiot – usually.
Contracts are generally irrelevant. It comes down to power. If a major film studio wants to hire you for a show, they will have a contract. If you are not a star, that they want badly enough, you will have no power to negotiate any thing in that contract that you may not like. They will have many people that can take your place that will not have a problem with it.
Representation is the same way. There are roughly ninety percent more models and talent out there than there are agents and managers. Models and talent need agents and manager more than they need them, unless you are at a celebrity type level.
Unless you are a star, you are easily replaceable. Even if you are a star, and are with one of the top 3 firms, they trade talent like playing cards, as do the talent with their reps.
If you want repped by an agent or manager, and are not a celeb, you should generally sign what ever it is they have, but make sure you understand it first. There is always a way out of any contract. Contracts are merely guidelines of expectations, consequences, and power.
Those who have the power, make the contract. Most contracts favor the side of the person who made it.
I can get any one out of any talent contract, guaranteed. Any good manager in Hollywood can. But you shouldn’t sign with any one you don’t trust. Contracts are as only good as the people that sign them. Most management agreements are exclusive. Unless you are a star, you should get numerous non exclusive agent agreements. And ideally, also non exclusive management. But again, it doesn’t matter that much, as long as you are getting work and not being held back from reaching your potential.
10, Don’t do like politicians and most of Hollywood does, and don’t try threats, at least unless you have good attorney’s, power to back it up, and a bullet proof car and good security. You get the idea.
Threats are not cool. I have had to threaten to end a few careers as a talent manager, and had to threaten some lawsuits, because if I hadn’t, I felt I would have gotten walked over, or lost power to manage and do my job. Don’t sue or threaten to sue unless you get the go ahead from your representation, and then, generally let them do it in their name. Don’t sue your reps if at all possible. The talent I know who have, are washed up.
I tried calling a large multi national company once to get some service on my account with that company. After waiting about 15 minutes to speak with a human being, a woman came on the phone. She was extremely rude and confrontational.
I needed help on my account, and this woman demanded my account number. I told her I had no record of any account number, but instead offered her my Employee Identification Number, my social security number, and my date of birth, among other pieces of information. Although there was no security pass-code on my account, this woman insisted that I give her my account number, and if I could not, that she would not help me.
After demanding to speak with a supervisor, she said that she was not going to connect me to any one.
After cooling down, I did an exhaustive 30 minute search on the CEO of this company, and called his office directly, letting them know where I was coming from. Within 24 hours, I received a call back from the CEO’s office, apologizing.
I was then provided direct contact numbers to their employees so I did not have to wait on the phone. On one day, I had 3 people in three different offices working simultaneously just for me. Now, when I need something from this phone company, when most people hate to call them, I don’t mind, because I know I will get what I want because I deal with the office of the CEO.
My point is, GO STRAIGHT TO THE TOP if you want something bad enough. And if appropriate, sometimes it is beneficial to make a legal, professional declaration of your intent, such as a lawyer would. If you can not get what you want through the person down below, go over their head. Go to the top.
12, When you do go over someone’s head, you should usually not let them know it, unless you can know 100% that you will be secure up there in your new position, over their head.
For example, when I first moved to Hollywood, there was a famous person that I very badly wanted to meet. This person I discovered, was going to be in person at a credentialed only event. I called up this celebs representation, and asked to attend as a journalist to do a review of their film and appearance. They said no. I asked, to the point of virtually begging, about 6 more times, and was again and again told no. I could not deal with that. There was nothing in the world that was going to keep me from meeting this person.
I just so happened to have materials mailed to me some time ago on joining the organization that gave the required credentials to this event. So on the day of the event, I march in the door, with all of the other credentialed attendees, with my mailed information in hand. I smiled at the girl at the table, she saw my materials in hand, and she directed me in. Within 2 hours, I was shaking the hands of the celebrity I was intent on meeting.
I was still so livid at the woman from before, who told me I could not attend, that I called her up, and told her what a wonderful event it was, and how great her client was to meet. I could hear her fuming and spitting with anger through the phone. She then told me that she would see to it that this person would never ever work with me.
So you see? I made a big mistake. I got some instant gratification by letting some intern or who ever know that they were saying no to the wrong person, that I would not take no for an answer, but where did it get me? It got me some one angry who tried to turn one of my favorite stars in Hollywood against me.
So the point is, when you go over some one’s head, don’t let them know about it, unless you are infinitely secure in your position there, or they could make trouble for you. And don’t try to take over another persons responsibility that is not your own, unless it is morally ethical for you to do so.
13, Never make an illegal threat, and never break the law.
Whether or not the law is good and should be respected or not is not the point. In terms of self preservation, breaking laws are not worth the potential negative consequences.
The existence of Hollywood in and of itself is generally a violation of labor employment law, which is another story unto itself which I will discuss later.
If you tell someone you are going to do something in this business, for goodness sake, DO IT! I don’t care if you have to walk 20 miles or pawn your last pair of shoes, if you tell some one that you are going to do something, (especially people that can do any thing for you in this business), you better do it.
Now, I am not telling you to flake on people who you do not think are important. Try treat every one in this town equally, even though, to your career of course, they may not seem to be. You never know who will end up being a hot producer that you flaked on. They won’t forget. So don’t give them a reason to be angry.
I know one agent who works for one of the A list firms, who personally showed me how headshots make great Frisbees and paper airplanes, so do not give your agent or manager a reason to be angry at you. Trust me!
Why would you go off on someone who can deliberately not submit you for any thing all year, because you were a little you know what to them?! Agents and managers run this town, along with the producers, publicists, and media.
Always add on at least 60 minutes to whatever the maps say the distance is for traffic, and add on another 30 minutes or more for parking. Two hours extra is a safer bet. Don’t rely on Map Quest. Do that, plus a Thomas Guide, and your navigator if you have one.
When I first moved to town, I got an interview to be a reader for a big A list producer. She told me she worked out of her home, and asked me to come and interview with her there. She made me well aware that she had a husband so I did not get the wrong idea. She told me her address and her home ended up being a multi million dollar mansion high up in the Hollywood hills around Mulholland Drive. Having no car when I first got here, and no ride, I tried to take a bus, and found out that none went out this way, or at least none under a half a dozen trips that I did not want to try and figure out. So I took a cab.
When I arrived at her house, and the cabbie dropped me off, I was early by about a half an hour. So I walked around the neighborhood after her dog from inside the home, which looked like Cujo, barked like mad and sounded like he wanted to eat me for dinner.
I was surprised to find that there are often no sidewalks in these rich neighborhoods in the Hollywood Hills and high up in the Beverly Hills. Why would there be? After all, why would rich people walk except on a golf course or on a treadmill?
So I hung out a safe distance from the cars that seemed to not realize pedestrians exist, and from Cujo. Then the producer and her husband pulled up in their brand new BMW or whatever it was.
Where’s your car?! Where did you park? Was the first question she asked me surprised. I just moved her from Chicago. My car’s not here yet I told her, I took a cab. Oh my God! She said in amazement! How much did that cost you?! Where did you come from?! I came from Glendale and it cost me about 50 dollars. You’re spending 100 dollars here and back just to see me?! She said shocked. Yes. I told her. I love your work and you are very important to me. I didn’t want to be late, and I really want this job. Wow. She said impressed. That’s amazing. Come on in.
After asking me if I want a drink, I accept a glass of water.
17, If some one you are trying to do business with asks you if you want a drink, such as water, always accept it.
Or have what ever they are having. Just don’t drink alcohol on a first meeting with some one you don’t know unless it is in public and unless you know your limit and stay under it, and they are drinking too.
After accepting the water from this producer, she brought her glass for herself over too, and we sat down and she started asking me a ton of questions. I left with the feeling that we really liked and respected each other, both liking the same styles of filmmaking, both loving many of the same films, and both in Hollywood for the same reason, to make big money doing what we love.
I ended up leaving with about 30 pounds of scripts from her to read, and ended up working with her for about a year. She appreciated the coverage I did for her. Although I know I wasn’t the fastest reader, I got better, and I loved the job, finally getting my first paid gig in the film industry, aside from my publishing. I was thrilled, and felt that I had finally “made it.” Of course, I had light years left to go. But I am thankful that this happened.
I attribute a part of me getting it to the fact that I decided to do what ever it took to get there. Nothing was going to stand in my way of getting there, getting there on time, and making a good impression. I ate very cheap the rest of that week, but I got what I wanted.
So when models or actors see me and told me that their car broke down, and that they have no way to get in to see me, or to an audition, I had no sympathy for them. Get a ride. Take the subway. Take a bus. Take a cab. Walk, I tell them. Do whatever it takes. If it is important enough to you, you will be there.
It amazes me that our ancestors traveled thousands of miles, through rain and sleet and windstorms, through the desert, and more, in order to find better lives for their families. On horseback, with camels, whatever. But now, thousands of years later, when we are all living in air conditioned boxes and plugged in to a world wide electronic network that we seem to can’t live without, that if our gas guzzling car is down for a minute, we can’t even walk 10 blocks down the street.
I’m from Chicago, and used to love walking in that city. When I first moved to L.A., I was amazed that I met people who had lived here there whole life that did not even believe me when I told them Los Angeles had a subway train after I spoke of it. I had to explain to them how fast it went, how it went under the ground, and how it all worked. I felt like I was talking to a 4 year old child, who was not yet mentally developed yet in understanding the ways of the real world at its technological advancements. No, I was just in L.A.
People in Los Angeles are often so insulated in their own fabricated, sterilized lives, that they don’t even know what is right under their own nose. That’s why L.A. can get such a bad rep for being shallow. Many of these people who did not know about the subway, were not even a part of the entertainment industry.
I’ve worked in a number of offices, and as I am used to walking around, as I am from Chicago, where we actually walk, like in New York City, I would often shock people in the office who would be amazed that I had just gotten some great food at a great restaurant right in their own neighborhood that they had never even knew existed. They were too busy driving off in their cars miles and miles away at lunch time, than to explore and enjoy what their own environment had to offer them.
Walking in L.A., contrary to the song by the great 80’s band Missing Persons, can be very enjoyable, entertaining, and educational. Just don’t let any one see you. But seriously, if you haven’t walked up and down Sunset, Melrose, Hollywood Blvd, around Los Feliz, or Ecoh Park among more, you are truly missing out. With that said,
You MUST have a car in L.A., unless you are really, really tough, and can handle the streets of a big city. If you aren’t street tough, with a lot of physical strength and stamina, then for goodness, sake, get a car. Even if you love to walk and love to wait for hours in the heat and ride on dirty busses without shocks, fresh with graffiti on the seats, that don’t show up, often with exposure to sickness and disease, and smell bums whose odor is enough to make you puke, get a car any way.
Don’t lie in this business, but you also don’t have to volunteer information that will go against you.
I generally prefer to have a personal driver. That way, I can read, talk on the phone, close my eyes, and relax or do what I want and still get there, on time and relaxed.
The more you show desperation, the more people will try to use it to undermine you, manipulate you, lowball you, and take advantage of your situation. During some business transactions, it pays to act as if you could live without it.
This however generally does not apply to models and talent trying to get a job or to trying to get signed. If you are a model or talent, and are not famous, we already know you are desperate, and if you’re not, then we know you are too full of your self for no reason. It’s ok to show you are hungry if you are a model or talent when you are. We know you are any way. Why deny it?
With that said, top confidence is good. But there is a fine line between high confidence and arrogance. Try to honestly like people you meet, and be a nice person, and you will stay on the right side of that line.
When I was brand new working at a modeling agency one year, I became angry and defensive when the pretty agency owner I worked for told me how she hated models, and was even more sick of actors. I was dumbfounded. Later after running my own model and talent company for years, I decided that I wished I could give this agency owner a hug, and a few tears.
Models and actors have a reputation of being flakes, because the majority of them are. Now, some could say, oh, but if you tell a child over and over he is dumb, he will turn out dumb. Perhaps true. The child part of this example, being the key point. Actors are taught by many during training that they need to embrace the child in them. Fine. But some embrace it a little too much. Models are no exception. And of course, many don’t even have training. Some are just are like spoiled children naturally.
A typical model is used to being told how beautiful they are nearly every day of their life. Many are used to getting every thing they want, especially from men, simply because of their looks. Then they come in to our office, the agent or manager. Boom! Reality check! Wake up call baby!
23, The world does not revolve around you, so don’t act like it.
O.K, so maybe outside of our doors, in your world, it does. But in Hollywood, you are not the boss until you are the star. And you are the star until Hollywood says you are the star.
I can not tell you how many people have came in to my office, and told me they can do absolutely every thing in the world. I am completely serious, they really say this. They say, I can do it all. You name any thing, and I can do. Did you ever see the new Saturday Night Live with that manic woman who babbles nervously how she can do absolutely every thing in the world? She rattles off a bazillion things that she can do, always more and bigger and better than the other person around her to the point of ridiculousness, because we know it’s not true. We realize that she is crazy.
And this is exactly how many models and talent come across. And the scary part is, they mean it. Now, can you imagine dealing with the SNL character like that, in about a dozen different people? Every day for 8 to 10 hours a day? Or 100 people like that a day on the phone? Guess what? We deal with it.
Can you dance? I may ask. Oh yes! Of course! What kind? I may say. Every thing! I can do it all! Then I will ask, Ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap, lyrical, point, break… ? Uh, I can’t do all that, they may say. Then you can’t do it all! Next!
Can you act? Of course! Do you have training?! The best! In what?! I train with the best! Joe Schmoe over at blah blah blah, I’ve never heard of Joe Schmoe, I mean trained in what?! Meisner, Stanislavsky, I’d ask. What? I don’t know them. Then you can’t act! Next!
Do you model? Yes. Are you experienced? Of course. I do it for a living. Great. How many tears do you have? Tears? What’s that? Oh brother. You do promotional? Yes. Great. What else? I do every thing. I do it all. Do you want to do Playboy? Never! Then why did you just give me a naked picture of your self? Next!
24, Do not, I repeat do NOT tell us you can do it all or will do it all when you can in fact do much of nothing!
I think actors and models got this part confused when they were told by some who perpetuate this saying, and that is to never say no to a skill.
If for example, a casting director asks you if you can water ski, and they are shooting Shark Killer for a lead role next week, you may want to say yes, and then go and learn that day if possible.
Some have taken this advice and turned it in to the notion that they are God. Some others, and in fact I would say most others, are simply out of their right minds, and may have actually convinced them selves that they are Gods gift to Hollywood, and that we are just waiting for them with open arms. Guess what? Next!
A little charm, humility when appropriate, respect, and professionalism will go a lot longer with us than trying to lie and make your self look like a fool. Which brings me to my next point…
One person I saw once actually told me that she was supposed to lie to agents and managers about her age. Hel-lo?! Did it occur to this person that agents are required to handle state or federal paperwork with regards to employment, and a part of that entails seeing their drivers license?!
Never lie to an agent or manager about your age. A good agent or manager will know you are lying any way. I can generally correctly guess a person’s age, height, weight, and a woman’s measurements, with alarming accuracy.
Add to the fact that I used to sell designer clothes, ladies coats, and rent tuxedo’s, and I can even guess pretty well if a cumber bon was dry cleaned or if they just threw it back on the rack for the next person to wear. Which reminds me,
Never wear one at least, to any where you want to smell good, unless you do the dry cleaning your self. Some of these rental places will not even clean them properly after the last person that wore it. Gross, but true. I know, I worked at one once, when I was a poor college student. I got the job because the manager was a struggling actor and he found at that my school was on lot at CBS. You see, even in retail its all about who you know! At least in Hollywood!
Ah yes, the poor fate of the female in Hollywood. Her career is over, it used to be said, at 30. That is simply no longer the case. Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City, and countless more shows are proof of the new trend. 40 is the new 30. Even though, the latest statistic I just read was, women are living shorter in the U.S. than they used to. Must be all those increased equal rights in the work world! Or, putting up with more men?
Age does not matter in Hollywood for a woman if you are A, famous, B, friends with some one who is famous, C, have a lot of money and can buy your way in, D, have a friend who is a great agent or manager, E, do sexual favors which I do not recommend, F, produce your own work, G, have huge talent and get a great agent or manager, or H, look young and hot and show some skin.
Older women today look hotter than ever. The above two mentioned shows are perfect examples. Many older women in Hollywood today look amazing, and any one that says that a Hollywood career is over at 30, or can not begin at 30, is only hurting them selves.
I read an article a number of months ago about a 90 some year old woman, yes, in her 90’s, who decided at this age to take up surfing. She was photographed riding a huge wave. Don’t tell me you are too old to start a career in Hollywood if you want to! Prove the system wrong! Rules are made to be broken, and Hollywood loves an underdog that comes out a winner!
Now, if you are 90 and trying to be a Playboy Bunny, then you need to do a reality check. Tenacity and success against all odds is great, but you also have to be real with what you’ve got and where you are at. But do not, I repeat
So, you have your meeting with an agent or manager or casting. Basics you should already know. Be on time. This can not be said enough. On time in this business means be early. 15 to 20 minutes early is standard. When you show up early, let them know you are there by phone, not pounding on the door.
Do NOT show up to an agents, managers, producers, or casting directors office without an appointment. We deal with crazy people, we are busy, and we do not like walk in’s. And for goodness sake, do not get mad if we do not see you or are happy you are there when you are not expected to be. Just don’t do it. It’s rude.
When you do show up on time, do not ask them to take you early. Never call and ask for directions about parking or any thing else. Never complain about traffic, parking, or even the weather. We know the sun is shining but today its cold because its down to 70. Deal with it! We know traffic is heavy, this L.A. Hel-lo?! We know parking is difficult, so get a ride next time. We don’t want to hear it! And we do not care about your car problems. We have our own problems. Do you want to hear them?
Never, I repeat NEVER give us an excuse. I personally do not accept or believe excuses, unless you can give a hospital number that I can verify, or show me a funeral program.
I once asked a girl who told me she had to cancel, because she had a funeral to go to, and asked to reschedule. She called after the alleged funeral, and asked to come in. I told her to bring the funeral program. The what she asked? You know, the pamphlet, I told her. They give one out when you’re born, and they get passed out when some one dies. I know, because I recently went to a funeral of a loved one. Oh, she said. I didn’t know that.
Now, this may seem harsh and rude, but I also can generally read people, especially models, quite well, as I have dealt with literally thousands over the years. So I knew she was lying to me.
She later admitted to me that she didn’t really go to a funeral. I told her I knew she was lying by her voice. You’re not a good actor, I told her. You can’t even lie right. Don’t lie about the dead, or serious illnesses, or about any thing for that matter. Have some respect for the living and the dead. If it’s really a tragedy, and we hope not, but then, and ONLY then, should a real agent or manager re-schedule. We’re just too busy.
Don’t lie. Be on Time. Don’t complain. Don’t waste their time. Don’t ask things you can find out on your own. Don’t use the waiting room as your social networking spot. You’re not in the lobby to share your agent, your stylist, or plug your self to others. You’re not there to discuss the nature of your conversation with the agent so far, with the agents other appointment waiting with you. Gossip will kill your chance. We don’t want it in the office or on set.
Again, I need to repeat this. BE ON TIME. Being on time in this business means being EARLY. 15 minutes early is standard. Not before 20 minutes early. If you are too early, you may make them uncomfortable.
The biggest reasons people fail in this business is:
They do not show up, or they do not show up on time
They do not treat it like a real career, or real job
Showing up on time with a great attitude is more than half of the battle.
A number of my agent and manager friends, do the following. Lets say they book you for an audition. You go and land an audition for a hit T.V. show. You go work that job. They also have two other clients also working the show. One of them is named Gayle, and the other is named Susie.
Susie starts to complain to you about the A.D., (assistant director) telling you about how he is a slime ball, and how isn’t he a jerk. She then also starts to complain to you about her agent, telling you how here agent never gets her work, and don’t you hate this A.D., and don’t you hate your agent.
You then start to go off to Susie about your agent, telling her that in fact, your agent is very rude, and treats you as if you are disposable. You then agree out loud with her also that the A.D. is a perv, and that he was looking down your top, and asked you to go out with him.
You see a girl sitting near by who introduces her self as Gayle, who hears it all. The next day, your agent calls you in her office. After you sit down, the agent calls the secretary to bring in another party. In walks Gayle. Hello Gayle, the agent says. This is my client so and so. Hello, the agent says to you, this is Gayle, my assistant that I have had for over a year. She just got back from vacation and I had her stop by and see you on set yesterday. BOOM! You’re busted. Dropped. Fired. She hands you your photos, and kicks you out of the door in tears.
The smartest and best agents and managers, may plant spies on set or in the casting room, to give them feedback about who is gossiping and who is doing good or bad. I am NOT going to allow some actor or model to make me look bad with production if I can help it. I am not going to help make some one’s career a success if they are going to dis me behind my back.
I know an acting coach who paid some one to sit in the back of her class, just to give her a report on what people said after she was out of the room. The one who gossiped bad about her, was kicked out of the class on the spot, and told that if he ever put her name on his resume, she would have him barred from every studio in town. And trust me, she could do it. She was that powerful.
Do not bite the hand that is trying to feed you. Do not attack your representation. It will come back on you 10O fold. It may take 10 years or more, but trust me, it will come back to haunt you worse then you ever thought possible. Got that?!
If you’re crazy enough to sue an agent or manager, or a producer or director, for goodness sake, don’t tell the next agent or manager you are interviewing with. One girl actually told me she FIRED HER AGENT and was now SUEING HIM. Uh, excuse me, and what part of that makes us want to work with you? Think!
For one thing, this agent was an agency I had heard of. With a good rep. And this talent I had NEVER heard of. And she is telling me she fired them?! Puh-leeze. Lose the ego and nonsense We don’t buy it.
If you wouldn’t behave that way in a regular job interview to be say, someone with a job in the grown up world, then don’t pull it here. Granted, you may get to play a child. You may get to yell and scream. You may get to laugh or cry. You may get to even get naked and suck your thumb and roll around on the floor in a movie. But remember, this is show business. And as the saying goes, the word business is in there. Start acting like it. A show “business person.”
So, you mean chewing gum is out of the question? I have actually had a model walk in to my office, and apologize to me for having gum in her mouth. She then took it out of her mouth with her fingers, and tried to hand it to me near my hand, asking me if I would throw it away for her. Excuse me? What part of model makes you think I want to touch your spit filled gum?
Another model I actually caught trying to stick her gum under my desk. Are you crazy? I asked her. I rent that desk from the studio for about 100 dollars a month! Are you going to buy me a new desk? Are you going to give me a hundred dollars for ruining it?
Another girl swallowed her gum, and then made some great faces. Classic. Pretend like it’s the real world, and you’re on a job interview. Because guess what? It is, and you are!
Why would you walk in to interview with an agent or manager, or casting director or producer or director, and have a huge maniacal attitude? Like you are better than every one else? Have we ever heard of you? Are you famous? If you are, chances are then the highest up’s will still not even care about that, if you are snotty.
Are you NOT a celebrity? Then there is NOOOOOO reason in the world in this business why you should have an attitude if you are a model or talent.
Why? You will never have a bigger attitude / ego than your agent or manager, or producer or director! If they can hire you! Think about it! If Steven Speilberg was afraid to tell some one to stop acting like a little diva if they were on his set and she was, do you think he would be a director very long? No, he’s Speilberg.
If an agent or manager was afraid to tell you that you were being rude to them, or that you were being too egotistical, do you think they could manage you very well? Could they give you direction? No. Think about it.
If you want an agent or manager, you need to let them have control, unless you are a multi millionaire star, in which case you should still give them some control to do their job, and that job is to give you direction, to tell you what it is best that you should do, to direct your career.
Another one of the biggest reasons why people fail in this business, is because their ego is out of control. If your ego is out of control, you will come off as rude. And you will not be able to effectively handle rejection or criticism and advice, or direction. And then, your agent or manager will not be able to do their job.
The only time your ego should be huge (if need be) is on camera, or stage, or during a read. Not before, and not after. More on that later.
When interviewing or auditioning, don’t show up with a posse, unless you are under 18, physically handicapped, or a super star. One day, a 20 something year old girl came in to my office, after speaking with my female assistant, checking in with my female receptionist, and then seeing my female assistant with me. In stormed a huge man, weighing about 300 pounds, hovering over her. Uh, excuse me, who is this? I asked her. I’m the bodyguard. He said looking and sounding like he wanted to eat me. He’s like, my bodyguard! She chimed in.
After my range of emotions subsided momentarily enough to regain my voice back, I kicked them out. In about 5 seconds flat.
If you have a meeting, go alone if you are of age. If you wish, have a friend wait for you in the car just outside. Ask before you bring any one in to the lobby, and ask before you try to have some one in your car when you are driving on to a studio. They may just be forced to get out of the car and hit the road, or if not, they may make you both turn around. If you do not have a studio pass for a driver, then don’t try to get one.
Your friend or “bodyguard” should wait otherwise outdoors, out of the way. Again, refer to the regular job interview protocol.
Keep your cell phone on you, on vibrate, and be ready to call 911 if need be. And since we all know how responsive that can be in L.A., you should carry with you in your purse, a can of mace or pepper spray if legal in your area.
One actress I know carries a stun gun. If you are female, you should all be carrying something to cover up your sexy outfit after you leave. Numerous changes of clothes in your car is a smart idea, more on this later.
Let some one that knows you know where you are going, and learning some form of martial arts or self defense would be a great idea too. But until you are famous, leave the bodyguards at home, this isn’t the porn industry after all.
You should have read this many places. Every one loves to talk about them self. Act interested in the agent, manager, producer, casting director, or whoever you are meeting. Show a supreme interest in who they are, what music they like, what film they like, who their favorite actor is, what their hobbies are, and then, find a common interest that you both have, to bridge a connection.
One smart actress I signed told me that her parents were very wealthy and owned some condos in Hawaii that often went vacant. She offered to let me use one of the condos any time I wanted to vacation, for free. After telling her thanks any way, but I had a girlfriend, and then asking if the airfare were included, she laughed.
Needless to say, this person made me happy to represent them, even though I never took her up on the condo offer, and even though she is no longer really active with me, I think of her sincere generosity often and she will be the first person to call when I have a big role for her type, she’s on the top of my list.
Hollywood is all about favors. Now, don’t take that the wrong way, and I will discuss that later. The point is, be kind, be generous. Treat people how you would like to be treated. Do random acts of kindness that will make other people never forget you. Stand out be being uniquely happy and kind. Even if they never take you up on digging for gold in that piece of the desert you own, ask them. They will be glad you did, and you will stand out above the rest.
Hollywood is all about relationships. When I want to, I can walk down the streets of L.A. and get the names and phone numbers of 50 or more pretty young wanna be models, or go to the hottest party, and leave with 20 business cards or more.
If networking is easy for you, then you are lucky. Meeting people is one of the hardest things for some people, and incidentally, the most important thing in Hollywood.
In Hollywood, you have to SELL YOUR SELF. You are the product. What are people buying? YOU. Your look, your type, your image, your craft, your voice, your reliability, your work ethic, your propensity to work 12 plus hours straight under the hot lights, and yes, they are hot! They are buying YOU. You must sell your self nearly every chance you get.
So, MAKE FRIENDS! Be friendly, meet people. Again, go where the rich and famous go. If you want to be a superstar, are you going to hang out at a fast food joint in the ghetto? No, you are going to go the hotspot in Beverly Hills. KNOW the hotspots! More on that later.
I called one big entertainment attorney once, and the first few seconds I had him on the phone, he blurted out before I could even ask him how his day was, he said, “What do you want me to do for you, and what can you do for me?!” I thought that was brilliant, because here it was, the very essence of all of Hollywood, boiled down in to one quick sentence, and by the way, he said it very fast. Like, fuhgettaboudit, that fast. I was in shock, but fortunately, thought fast, and told him,
Know these answers before you meet any one! What do you want from them? And, what can you do for them?! How can I help you? And how can you help me? That is, after all, all that most any one in Hollywood is really after. Be honest with your self, it’s not an altruistic environment now, is it? Oh, but you want to be a superstar so you can save the world, right?! Right! And adopt some of those starving babies from Sudan, right?! More on that later!
Seriously, helping others is great, but until you are an ambassador to the United Nations, you need to worry about your career, or trust me, you will not only make your self miserable, but even worse, you will make me miserable. And THAT’s what matters, me. I am of course, joking here.
I had one model actually come in to my office wearing a shirt that stated IT’S ALL ABOUT ME! After speaking with her for about 3 minutes, I realized and told her I could see why she wore that shirt, she meant it. Me Me Me Me Me. This was all she could talk about. Never once did she consider what I wanted in a client, what my expectations were, or ask what I was looking for in some one to sign.
46, Keep your answers short and simple.
If they want to hear a life story, write and sell them the book. If they want more, they’ll ask for it. End your answer by asking them a genuine question about them that will make them feel important. Offer them a favor. Offer sincere praise. A book in this regard you should read if you have not done so, is HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE.
If you are trying to sell someone, and of course, you always are, then it is always about the other person. What do they want, and how can match their wants with what you sell? Now sell it. Sell your self as the best actor, as the best writer, as the best producer worth being funded, or whatever it may be.
Rock stars * Movie Stars * & Sex Symbols ©
Continued in our next issue: October 27, 2008
The Story
The Hollywood Sentinel and the Hollywood Sentinel online © were created by Hollywood Producer, Publisher, and Talent Manager Bruce Edwin, after his years of research in entertainment concerning the growth of the internet, social media, and digital platforms for film and television.
Hollywood Reporter Editor Elizabeth Guider spoke with Mr. Edwin this year in 2008, and stated to him that the future of Hollywood's biggest growth was on the internet, cell phones, and comic book adaptations. This has proven to be true.
After extensive analysis concerning the internet as a business and publishing tool, Mr. Edwin realized that its explosive growth and potential for immediate mass communication is growing too great to ignore.
With Mr. Edwin's discovery that most every major studio in Hollywood, as well as every major newspaper in the U.S. are now making large, if not their largest profits through online, electronic commerce, Mr. Edwin decided that now is the time to launch an online entertainment channel.
The Hollywood Sentinel Online now launches today and more fully later this week, via blogs, social networking platforms, and direct marketing via E-mails, through Bruce Edwin's massive E-mail database acquired as decades as one of the top networker's in Hollywood.
The Hollywood Sentinel shall soon then expand to a self contained website that shall eventually contain streaming media video, with original and provided content, featuring exclusive interviews with rock stars, movie stars, and sex symbols among more.
It shall begin as a free, public advertising supported system, while later evolving with multiple channel platforms that will be both advertising and niche viewer subscription based models, while continually maintaining the general platform as a free to viewer based model.
The Hollywood Sentinel shall then expand in to film and television, and a hard copy print version of the online magazine shall then be created for targeted niche markets. The parent company, Starpower Management and Bruce Edwin is already producing multiple feature films and one entertainment show for cable television and video on demand.
The Hollywood Sentinel is unique, in that it is created with the expertise and voice of a college educated movie producer and talent manager who lives and works in Hollywood, making a living doing only what he writes about, entertainment. And his voice as a writer is bold, powerful and unique.
The first unique issue, launching today, additionally includes the FREE pages of Mr. Edwin's entire new book, HOW TO SUCCEED IN HOLLYWOOD ongoing in future issues, as well as his future book CELEBRITIZING YOUR CAREER in future issues. It shall include exclusive interviews with some of the top producers, managers, agents, publicists, and stars in Hollywood, to give models and talent the knowledge and training to become a true success. All of this and more, FREE to all.
Never before has such power through knowledge been given away FREE about Hollywood, a land full of myths, delusions, and tinsel town dreams, on such a vast and ongoing basis, to those who long to take their career higher. As a model and talent manager, this is Bruce Edwin's special way of "giving back" to those who dream of success in showbiz. And it is his next mark on the world of entertainment, to bring hope, and entertainment to the masses.
Tel: 310- 226 - 7176
* * *
All Inside
Rock stars * Movie Stars * & Sex Symbols ©
Print Magazine (at later date) The Hollywood Sentinel © ®
PUBLISHER Subnormal Productions © ©
EDITOR Bruce Edwin ©
The Hollywood Sentinel ® ©
Santa Monica, California, 90404
TELEPHONE Tel: 310 - 226 - 7176
PUBLISHED IN: California with U.S. labor
TYPE OF BUSINESS Entertainment Media website / blog
GENRE Music, Film, Fashion, Models, Art, Literature, Culture, Poetry, News
ISSUE current
SCREEN DATE 2008 / 2009
FREQUENCY weekly (every Monday)
TARGET MARKET all ages, rock fans, film-goers, model /
fashion lovers, entertainment ceo's, free thinkers
SENT VIA E-MAIL TO 20,000 and growing each month
VIEWS PER BLOGS 4,000 per month and growing
READERSHIP 80,000 per month and growing
DISTRIBUTION (WWW) Search Engine Optimized via Google
via Starpower Management LLC, etc
SIZE 8 to 12 pages or more each week
PRICE free
REGISTRATION copyrighted, trademarked, and
for each issue, all images used with
consent by law
PUBLICITY various in Los Angeles (upon request)
MANAGEMENT Starpower Management, LLC © ® ® ©
Rock stars * Movie Stars * & Sex Symbols ©
(rates are per one copy issue unless otherwise specified)
Next issues: October 6th, 2008 (Oct 13, 20, 27)
Rates are by request by phone or email only to be provided by email or phone only
Note: site is currently viewable via our numerous blogs with above readership, to be expanded to website shortly thereafter, and expanded to print magazine in 2009. Company reserves the right to change or amend title or subtitle of publications at any time.
To discuss advertising, please call us at 310-226-7176
All inquiries regarding advertising or calls from working clients returned within 10 hours or less.
Thank you.
* * *
BOOK / MAGAZINE REVIEWS: we provide complimentary book, magazine, journal, CD, seminar, and lecture reviews with complimentary supplied materials and guest lists for select authors and functions. Inquire by phone to request arrangements. We do barter ad trades with select websites and publications.
CD REVIEWS: We do music reviews of select recorded artists, predominantly in the gothic / industrial, 60's, and punk genres. Inquire by phone for request.
CONCERT REVIEWS / PRE-VIEWS: We do concert reviews and pre views (at sound checks) of select recording artists including rock, jazz, blues, classical, plays, performance art, and more. Inquire for press coverage.
SPECIAL EVENTS: We provide review coverage for special events including, but not limited to music festivals, art openings, gallery shows, stage, multi media, ballet, opera, and the like
RED CARPET EVENTS / PARTIES: We review select red carpet events, after hour red carpet parties, and other unique A-list functions with text coverage and potential photo coverage. Inquire by phone for request please.
BAND INTERVIEWS: We do text interviews and photo coverage for select rock bands and artists. Inquire by phone for request.
MOVIE REVIEWS / PRE VIEWS: We do film reviews on DVD, and theater for select films. Inquire for request.
DINING ESTABLISHEMENTS: We review select fine dining establishments. Inquire by phone to request and discuss terms.
ACTOR / PRODUCER / DIRECTOR INTERVIEWS: We do interviews by text with photo coverage for select A-list film artists that are above the line. Inquire by phone for request.
MODELS: We do text press and photo coverage of select fashion and swimsuit models. We provide text interviews and photo coverage of select models. Inquire by phone for all requests.
FASHION DESIGNERS: We do coverage of select fashion shows, fashion weeks, select designers, fashion houses, fashion couture, and ready to wear pieces and accessories. Inquire by phone for request.
INTELLECTUAL LEADERS: We do coverage / interviews with select intellectual leaders of our time. Inquire by phone for request.
POETRY: We accept poetry submissions from hardback published authors only at this time.
SUBMISSIONS: We accept writing or photo submissions if photos are of celebrities and submitted by original photographer only, and writer only if they are known nationally in their field with major recognized credits or awards.
E-mail: We receive many pages of E-mails in per day, from aspiring models, casting, etc. Therefore, please begin by calling us instead of E-mailing us with any press request. If we are not already working together and you E-mail instead of calling, please do not be surprised or offended if we do not have time to respond to your E-mail. Phone is best.
BANDS: we can not possibly review all of the cd's or concert invites we receive. Please do not take any rejection of request to review your show or material personally. It is not meant to be.
HARD COPY PRESS KITS / REVIEW COPY: check with us first before sending hard copy via snail mail to verify preferred means of delivery, pick up, etc.
PHYSICAL PROPERTY: Materials sent hard to The Hollywood Sentinel becomes our physical property and shall not be returned.
INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS: We reserve the right to add, modify, delete, edit, or omit any image or text materials we receive (with credit given) in any manner we deem fit.
BAD PRESS / NEGATIVE REVIEWS: The Hollywood Sentinel shall give no bad reviews, unless supplier of material specifically requests an unbiased review, good or bad. Otherwise, if we do not like material or function and would rip it apart, we will instead opt to simply not print any review unless requested by client otherwise.
OUR PHILOSOPHY: The Hollywood Sentinel shall not engage in any deliberate, hurtful gossip, and instead shall take the higher ground upholding truth, honesty, integrity, and high ethical standards.
We will not deliver bad news simply because it sells, and will not have our values and morals bought or sold.
CONTENT: Will entail no bad language, no tacky images, no negative sensationalism, and will maintain a PG or PG-13 type rating of content with any models and dialogue.
VISION: Our vision for our creation is to provide good and valuable free service of knowledge, information, entertainment, and news to those pursuing a career in Hollywood, and to those who wish to read about our world of entertainment. We shall teach and inform with a spiritual, humanitarian, environmental, and peace and freedom loving standard of ideals. We shall promote positive energy and life sustaining power.
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Publishing Editor: Bruce Edwin
Bruce Edwin is founding, publishing editor of The Hollywood Sentinel (online) and The Hollywood Sentinel (print magazine). He founded The Hollywood Sentinel title in 2006.
Bruce Edwin is President of Starpower Management LLC and a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Edwin founded Starpower Management, a celebrity focused model and talent firm in the fall of 2002 in Chicago, Illinois. He later expanded the company to Los Angeles, California. He has helped to launch many careers, including rock act Kill Hannah, who he first introduced to his client Atlantic Records.
Mr. Edwin began producing for feature film last year. He serves as writer and producer on the feature film All Good Children Go to Heaven, a thriller. Mr. Edwin has forged confidential working relationships with numerous celebrities as producing partners and talent manager.
Prior to being a producer and manager, Mr. Edwin worked as an in house production assistant at the T.V. show Extra! and Celebrity Justice. During this year, he wrote stories, further expanded his knowledge of how celebrities are created, and assisted with numerous celebrity interviews.
Prior to his production work, Mr. Edwin worked for Meg Ryan's former producing partner Nina Sadowsky, for her company Pruffrock, and later Signpost and Lakeshore Entertainment.
Prior to his talent management experience, Mr. Edwin was a talent agent, a talent booker, and earlier, a model and talent scout for numerous firms in Los Angeles. He trained as a manager under the supervision of Former Ford Models manager and current ICM agent Mr. Blackwell.
Prior to his agent and management work, he was a professional photographer. His credentials include photographing Michael Jackson, Scorsese's Oscar Party Night of 100 Stars, David Bowie, The Sex Pistols, Sarah McLachlan, and hundreds more.
Mr. Edwin joined Next Reality and First Capitol Bank of Chicago in 2002, where he served as marketing manager for both companies. Prior to that he worked in the fashion and music industry in merchandising and management, with companies including Fossil, and Lord & Taylor / Saks.
Bruce Edwin began his career in motion picture and film with the launch of his own magazine, Subnormal, in 1989. With Subnormal Magazine, Mr. Edwin landed exclusive interviews with recording artists Jewel, Sarah McLachlan, Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, and many more. Former Tower Records distributed his magazine in over 15 countries, and in every major city throughout the United States.
Mr. Edwin is a graduate of Columbia College of Chicago for film producing and cinematography. He resides in Los Angeles.
tel: 310-226-7176
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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